Meet the Artist: Shannon Leigh’s Work Evokes Truth Through Simplicity

The red circle symbolizes many things to many people. For some, it represents power, manifestation and creation. In Native American culture, red ochre circles around the eyes often indicated war paint. In Japan, the hollow red circle indicates something being complete, similar to a checkmark. Indeed, this symbol can evoke different meanings and truths for […]

Art Discovery Recap: The Composition of Art

“Music and art are the guiding lights of the world.” – Pablo Picasso Art is the language that gives voice to the feelings and emotions that seem otherwise impossible to articulate. Some artists will take a chisel to stone or a pen to paper or a chord to keys. Some will even mix mediums and […]

Art Discovery Recap: Art of the Gem

Elizabeth Taylor once said, “Jewelry has the power to be the one little thing that makes you feel unique.” And indeed, when that jewelry is crafted by the hands of an artist, the feeling is extraordinary. For jewelry artists Luciano Bortone, Isabelle Posillico, and Paul Farmer, they feel their work is akin to creating miniature […]

Preserving a 50-Year Gift of Love

Kathryn Carole Ellison began writing poetry for her children in the 1970s. It started simply enough––one new poem each day of Advent. Through these poems, she passed along life lessons and words of wisdom to help them make good life decisions, trust their inner knowing and engage in life in a meaningful way. That first […]