The King

by Pete Tillack


1 in stock

Embellished Artist Proof Limited Edition
40×30 inches
Dimensions mounted on custom leather frame 46×36 inches
Ships from San Diego
also available in both 40×50 and 24×30

Click ‘More Info’ below to understand the symbolism behind this piece

Collector will be contacted for crating and shipping costs as these will vary upon region

    Pete Tillack

    Pete Tillack


    "Being a self-taught artist allowed Pete to draw on his own lines from the multiple sources and aspects, but it was the internal questions and relationship to society that gives the life to his work that people associate with. Tillack takes everyday scenes and puts a spin on it to help narrate the relationship on one’s self with in a society that has become very overwhelming if you let it. Reading like a song that we are all connected to, each piece has many items of symbolism that bring together the reason we are who we are, and the motivation behind our choices that are guided by the challenges we have made on the road of life. His realistic paintings always have underlying meanings that once pointed out, play like a song that we all relate too as if it was just sung for us. “As youth falls into the past, and the present becomes the form carved by my many unique experiences, my work casts stronger meanings, as I look deeper into the connections with our society. I feel lucky that along the journey, I found my talent, and it has allowed me to be able to transpose a blank canvas into a story that captures a viewer."


Everything around us is vying for our attention, scrambling to be noticed with means of fear, fun or financial endeavors.
The circus of flashing ads and catchy jingles are getting increasingly sophisticated, while understanding that our attention is short, but ever so precious, you may not see the value of it but others know its significance.
To have control of our focus, means we really have to become –  ‘The Master of Our Own Domain’!
There will always be a majority that are waiting for a sign to move forward, but only a few comprehend the lost momentum of waiting for something, rather than searching for a way to make it happen.
The harder you work, the more opportunities will arise, but the key is to keep your eyes open and constantly question as not everybody puts in the effort to learn to fly.
I previously used the ‘Game of Chess’ as an analogy to the road of life, but I have come to realize it is more like a game of poker…
There is always the unplanned events or the essence of luck that needs to be factored in, however, if you rely exclusively on this element, you will be left struggling if, or when your luck was to burn out.

Watch video break down of symbolism at